티스토리 뷰


  2018년 10월 18일 이시다イシダ 히로야스ヒロヤス(石田裕康)감독의 영화가 개봉합니다.

펭귄 하이웨이


Penguin Highway

“우리 동네에 펭귄이 나타났다” 어른이 되기까지 3888일 남은 11살 ‘아오야마’의 동네에 펭귄이 나타나면서 시작된 평생 잊지 못할 모험을 담은 판타지 어드벤처라고 소개되어져 있습니다.

Penguin Highway (ペンギン・ハイウェイ Pengin Haiwei, stylized penguin highway) is a Japanese fantasy novel written by Tomihiko Morimi. It was published in 2010 by Kadokawa Shoten and won the 2010 Nihon SF Taisho Award. The novel will be published in English by Yen Press. An anime film adaptation by Studio Colorido was released in Japanese theaters on August 17, 2018. The film's theme song is "Good Night", performed by Utada Hikaru.

Anime Limited acquired the film for the United Kingdom and Ireland, and would premiere it at Scotland Loves Anime on October 13, 2018, with a wider theatrical run scheduled for 2019. Madman Entertainment announced that they would premiere the film in Australia and New Zealand at Madman Anime Festival Melbourne in September 2018, with a wider release scheduled later.Eleven Arts acquired the film for North American theatrical distribution, and premiered it at Crunchyroll Expo in San Jose on September 2, 2018.

  등장인물은 아직 모르겠습니다. 배우들은 이러합니다. 아오이あおい 유우 ゆう(蒼井優)Aoi Yu, 키타きた 카나かな(北香那) Kita Kana, 쿠기미야くぎみや 리에りえ(釘宮理恵) Rie Kugimiya, 한はん 메구미めぐみ(潘惠美, 潘めぐみ)입니다. 한はん 메구미めぐみ(潘惠美, 潘めぐみ) 성이 한씨라고 되어 있어서 검색을 했더니 우리 성씨는 아닌 것 같기도 합니다. 검색해보니 한은 우리말로 읽으면 반씨가 되기 때문입니다.

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