티스토리 뷰


  2018년 10월 03일 개봉 마크 포스터 Marc Forster감독의 동심으로 돌아가는 영화가 개봉했습니다.

곰돌이 푸 다시 만나 행복해

Christopher Robin

  “어른이 된 나 인생의 쉼표가 필요한 순간, 찾아온 나의 친구들 다시 만나 행복해” 어른이 된 나 로빈(이완 맥그리거)은 가족도 일도 모두 완벽해 보이지만, 한편 지쳐가는 일상 속에 서있다. 어느 날, 눈 앞에 가장 행복한 시간을 함께했던 비밀 친구 ‘곰돌이 푸와 일행’들이 다시 찾아오게 되고 뜻하지 않게 놀라운 모험 속에 빠져들게 되는데 라고 소개되어져 있습니다.

  A working-class family man, Christopher Robin, encounters his childhood friend Winnie-the-Pooh, who helps him to rediscover the joys of life.

An adult Christopher Robin, who is now focused on his new life, work, and family, suddenly meets his old friend Winnie the Pooh, who returns to his unforgotten childhood past to help him return to the Hundred Acre Wood and help find Pooh's lost friends.

[Written by Jon Meyer]

  등장인물과 배우들 알아보겠습니다. 이완 맥그리거 Ewan McGregor는 크리스토퍼 로빈 Christopher Robin역을 맡았습니다. 헤일리 앳웰 Hayley Atwell에블린 로빈 Evelyn Robin역을 맡았습니다. 마크 게티스 Mark Gatiss자일스 윈슬로우 Giles Winslow역을 맡았습니다. 짐 커밍스 Jim Cummings는 푸Winnie the Pooh와 티거 Tigger목소리를 맡았습니다. 닉 모하메드 Nick Mohammed피글렛 Piglet목소리를 맡았습니다. 소피 오코네도 Sophie Okonedo캉가 Kanga목소리를 맡았습니다. 브래드 거렛 Brad Garrett이요르 Eeyore목소리를 맡았습니다. 피터 카팔디 Peter Capaldi토끼 Rabbit목소리를 맡았습니다. 토비 존스 Toby Jones은 부엉이 Owl목소리를 맡았습니다. 로저 애쉬톤 그리피스 Roger Ashton-Griffiths는 랄프 버터워스 Roger Ashton-Griffiths역을 맡았습니다.

크리스토퍼 로빈

Christopher Robin

Christopher Robin is a character created by A. A. Milne. He appears in Milne's popular books of poetry and Winnie-the-Pooh stories and is named after Christopher Robin Milne, the author's son. The character has subsequently appeared in Disney cartoons.

Disney adaptations

Since 1966, Disney has released numerous features starring Winnie-the-Pooh and related characters. Christopher Robin appears in all of the Disney adaptations except for Kingdom Hearts, Welcome to Pooh Corner, Boo to You Too! Winnie the Pooh, Springtime with Roo, and Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie. But in most of the cartoons, he is only a supporting character, sometimes only appearing in a few scenes or episodes; in Pooh's Heffalump Movie, he only appears during the credits. His personality is virtually the same as in the books, but he attends day school instead of boarding school.

Christopher Robin's bedroom, but not Christopher Robin himself, appears in live-action opening sequences. In the world within his storybooks, his house appears just as it does in E. H. Shepard's illustrations. An English boy living in the Ashdown Forest, Christopher Robin has brown hair. He wears a yellow polo shirt with white collar and trim on his short sleeves, blue shorts, white socks and black Mary Jane shoes. On several appropriate occasions, he plays a snare drum.

The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh re-imagines him as an American boy living in the suburban house 100 Acre Road whose backyard connects directly to the Hundred Acre Wood. His mother also appears in the series and Robin is apparently their surname in that continuity. Some of these elements were reused for The Book of Pooh, but the animals are once again characters in Christopher Robin's storybook. His hollow tree house does not appear from both series.

Christopher Robin has appeared on House of Mouse with his friends, but he is the only main Winnie-the-Pooh character that does not appear in the Kingdom Hearts video game series; in this continuity, the Winnie-the-Pooh book belongs to Merlin and Christopher Robin's role is played out mostly by Sora. He only appears in two episodes of My Friends Tigger and Pooh but in the whole series, he is absent and is replaced by his younger friend Darby, a feisty red-headed girl who is the main protagonist and hosts the series. His appearance was updated for the 2011 film.

In the Doc McStuffins crossover special "Into the Hundred Acre Wood!", Christopher Robin visits Doc's toy hospital searching for Pooh, who has been admitted as a patient. Christopher Robin and Doc bond through their shared ability to talk to toys. The character is voiced by Oliver Bell. Ewan McGregor played a grown-up version of the character in the 2018 Disney live-action film Christopher Robin, which is about Christopher Robin as an adult meeting Pooh once again.

곰돌이 푸우



곰돌이 푸 원제는 Winnie the pooh는 1977년 월트 디즈니 프로덕션에서 밀른의 동화를 원작으로 하여 제작한 애니메이션 영화. 1977년에 제작하였고, 감독은 볼프강 레이더맨, 존 라운스베리, 원작은 A.A.밀른, 각본은 켄 앤더슨(Ken Anderson), 상영시간은 71분이며 제작사는 월트 디즈니 프로덕션입니다.

《곰돌이 푸 오리지널 클래식》이라고도 하며, 부제는 〈The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh〉이다. 월트 디즈니 프로덕션(Walt Disney Productions)에서 22번째로 제작한 장편 애니메이션 영화로, A.A.밀른(Alan Alexander Milne)이 1926년에 발표한 동화 《아기곰 푸 Winnie-the-Pooh》를 원작으로 했다. 1947년 작 《곰돌이 푸와 티거》, 1966년 작 《곰돌이 푸와 꿀나무》, 1968년 아카데미상 수상작인 《곰돌이 푸와 폭풍우 치던 날》 등 3개의 단편으로 이루어져 있다. 감독은 볼프강 레이더맨(Wolfgang Reitherman)과 존 라운스베리(John Lounsbery), 각본은 켄 앤더슨(Ken Anderson)이 맡았다.

그 후 《곰돌이 푸우의 즐거운 하루 Winnie the Pooh Playtime》 《곰돌이 푸의 새로운 모험 The New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh》 《곰돌이 푸의 어린이 교실 Winnie the Pooh:Making Friends》 《내 사랑 곰돌이 푸 Winnie the Pooh : Un-Valentine's Day》 《곰돌이 푸:그네 타는 유령 Winnie the Pooh:Things That Go Piglet In The Night》 등 많은 단편들이 제작되었다. 전세계의 많은 어린이들로부터 사랑받고 있는 주인공 푸는 국제연합(UN)으로부터 우정의 대사로 임명되기도 하였다.

Winnie-the-Pooh, also called Pooh Bear, is a fictional anthropomorphic teddy bear created by English author A. A. Milne.

The first collection of stories about the character was the book Winnie-the-Pooh (1926), and this was followed by The House at Pooh Corner (1928). Milne also included a poem about the bear in the children's verse book When We Were Very Young (1924) and many more in Now We Are Six (1927). All four volumes were illustrated by E. H. Shepard.

The Pooh stories have been translated into many languages, including Alexander Lenard's Latin translation, Winnie ille Pu, which was first published in 1958, and, in 1960, became the only Latin book ever to have been featured on The New York Times Best Seller list.

Hyphens in the character's name were dropped by Disney when the company adapted the Pooh stories into a series of features that became one of its most successful franchises. In popular film adaptations, Pooh Bear has been voiced by actors Sterling Holloway, Hal Smith, and Jim Cummings in English, and Yevgeny Leonov in Russian.

『クマのプーさん』(英: Winnie-the-Pooh)は、1926年に発表されたA・A・ミルンの児童小説である。クマのぬいぐるみである「プー」と、森の仲間たちとの日常を10のエピソードによって描いている。1928年には同様の構成をもつ続編『プー横丁にたった家』も発表された。『クマのプーさん』のシリーズはこの二つの物語集と、その前後に発表された二つの童謡集『ぼくたちがとてもちいさかったころ』『ぼくたちは六歳』の計4冊からなっており[1][注釈 1]、挿絵はいずれもE.H.シェパードが手がけている。

A.A.ミルンはこの作品を自身の息子クリストファー・ロビン・ミルンが持っていたテディ・ベアから着想している。本作品とそのキャラクターは発表当時からひろく人気を集めており、多数の言語に翻訳されいまなお世界中で読まれている。1960年代からはディズニーによって一連のアニメーション作品が作られ、作品の知名度に大きく貢献した。ディズニー版では「Winnie the Pooh」とハイフンが脱落した表記が使われており、日本では「くまのプーさん」の表記が作品・キャラクター双方で用いられている。


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