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  3편 밖에 안하고 연속물 series인 영드 셜록SHERLOCK의 인기에 힘입어 2016년 01월 02일 더글러스 맥키넌 Douglas Mackinnon감독의 영화가 개봉했습니다. 너무 오래전에 봐서 기억이 잘 안납니다만, 영국 England, 베이커Baker 가Street입니다. 2018 추석연휴 EBS1에서 23일 12시 10분에 방송합니다.

SHERLOCK : The Abominable Bride

셜록 : 유령신부

シャーロック 忌まわしき花嫁

  전대미문의 미스터리한 살인사건, 오직 그만이 막을 수 있다! 19세기 빅토리아 시대 런던, 충격적인 살인사건 발생! 몇 시간 전, 스스로 목숨을 끊은 여자가 복수를 위해 런던 도심에 나타났다. 셜록과 왓슨, 그들은 이 미스터리한 사건을 해결할 수 있을까?
  "The Abominable Bride" is a special episode of the British television programme Sherlock. The episode was broadcast on BBC One, PBS and Channel One on 1 January 2016. It depicts the characters of the show in an alternative timeline: the Victorian London setting of the original stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. The title is based on the quote "Ricoletti of the club foot and his abominable wife" from "The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual", which refers to a case mentioned by Holmes. The story also draws on elements of original Conan Doyle stories of Holmes such as "The Five Orange Pips" and "The Final Problem"

The episode won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Television Movie, the first win of the series in that category.

  등장인물 소개합니다. 셜록 홈즈 Sherlock Holmes역에 배우 베네딕트 컴버배치 Benedict Cumberbatch입니다. 존 왓슨 John Watson역에 배우 마틴 프리먼 Martin Freeman입니다. 메리 모스턴역에 배우 아만다 애빙턴 Amanda Abbington입니다. 레스트레이드역에 배우 루퍼트 그레이브즈 Rupert Graves입니다. 몰리 후퍼역에 배우 루 브릴리 Loo Brealey입니다. 에밀리아역에 배우 나타샤 오키프 Natasha O'Keeffe입니다. 허드슨 부인역에 배우 우나 스텁스 Una Stubbs입니다. 앤더슨역에 배우 조나단 아리스 Jonathan Aris입니다. 자일스역에 배우 다미안 사무엘스 Damian Samuels입니다. 마이크로프트 홈즈역에 배우 마크 게티스 Mark Gatiss입니다. 제럴드 키드 Gerald Kyd, 클렘 소 Clem So, 제시 호키스 Jessie Hawkes등이 출연합니다.

줄거리 Plot

  The plot swings between Victorian England and the present day, with incongruities accepted in good faith. In the 19th century, Dr. John Watson has been medically discharged from the Army and moves to London. Watson is introduced to Sherlock Holmes by a fellow student of Bart's, and becomes interested in his investigative principles. Holmes invites Watson to share his new flat in Baker Street, which Watson accepts.
  In 1895, Inspector Lestrade arrives and presents Holmes and Watson with a puzzling case: Emelia Ricoletti, a consumptive bride, had fired on by-passers in the street from a balcony before fatally shooting herself. Later that evening, Mr Ricoletti was confronted by Emelia, who shot him dead before disappearing into the fog. Fascinated by Emelia's apparent survival, Holmes takes the case. At the morgue, Dr. Hooper informs Holmes that the woman who killed herself, the woman who murdered Mr Ricoletti and the body on hand have all been positively identified as Emelia Ricoletti. Confused, Holmes loses interest in the case. When the bride apparently returns to murder other men, he deduces that these are copycat crimes.
  Months later, Holmes' brother Mycroft refers to him a case: Lady Carmichael's husband, Sir Eustace Carmichael, received a threatening warning in the form of an envelope full of orange pips. Sir Eustace is uncooperative, describing his wife as "hysterical"; Holmes and Watson stake out the house for the evening. A ghostly-looking bride appears and disappears in front of them, and the pair hear the sound of breaking glass, followed by screams from both Sir Eustace and Lady Carmichael. They discover Sir Eustace, stabbed to death, by what appears to be Emelia, who then escapes through a broken window. Lestrade arrives and observes a note attached to the dagger, which Holmes says wasn't there when he found the body. The note reads, "Miss me?", a phrase used by the modern-day James Moriarty. After insisting that the case's solution is so simple that even Lestrade could solve it, Holmes meditates. Moriarty appears and insults Holmes about the mystery of Emelia's seeming-suicide-revival, alluding to his similar apparent-death in the present. Moriarty appears to shoot himself in the head but remains alive.
  In the present day, it is revealed that the events of Victorian England are actually occurring within Sherlock's drug-induced Mind Palace. The plane has returned to England minutes after taking off after Moriarty's broadcast, and Mycroft, John, and Mary enter the plane to find a frustrated Sherlock rambling about the unsolved Ricoletti case. Sherlock explains he had hoped to solve the case, believing it would prove crucial to solving Moriarty's return. Over Watson's protest, Sherlock again takes drugs to re-enter his Mind Palace.
  Victorian Holmes awakens, with an awareness of events of the present as a seeming hallucination induced by cocaine. Holmes receives a telegram from Mrs Watson saying she has found Emelia's co-conspirators at a desanctified church. There, Holmes and Watson discover and interrupt a secret group of the Women's Rights Movement (similar to the Suffragette movement in the late 19th century), whose members include Dr. Hooper, Janine Hawkins and Watson's maidservant. Holmes explains that they used a double to fake Emelia's death, allowing her to kill her husband and create the persona of the avenging bride. Already dying, she was later killed at her request by being shot through the mouth; the duplicate corpse was replaced by her actual corpse, the one Holmes and Watson saw at the morgue, for a positive identification. Since then, the women have used the persona of the bride to murder men who wronged them. Sherlock surmises that Lady Carmichael, being a member of the society, killed her husband. He makes his accusation to the approaching bride, assuming that it is Lady Carmichael. When he lifts the bride's veil, however, he finds that the "bride" is actually Moriarty.
  Sherlock reawakens in the present, where he insists on finding Emelia's grave to prove that her body-double was buried under the coffin. While digging, he hears Emelia's corpse repeatedly whisper "Do not forget me". The corpse moves to attack him, then Holmes awakens in the past on a ledge next to the Reichenbach Falls. Moriarty appears and tells Holmes he is still trapped in his Mind Palace – Holmes realises that the incident at the grave was just a dream. The men fight and Moriarty gains the upper hand, but Watson appears and holds Moriarty at gunpoint. Watson kicks Moriarty off the ledge and then asks Holmes how he can wake up in the present. Holmes decides to fall over the ledge, having confidence he will survive.
  Sherlock wakes up in the present on the plane. Mycroft asks John to look after Sherlock, hoping he will not use drugs again. After John leaves the plane, Mycroft opens Sherlock's notebook, revealing the word "Redbeard". Sherlock concludes that, like Ricoletti, Moriarty did indeed die but arranged with others to carry out plans after his death. The episode ends with Victorian Holmes describing his visions of aeroplanes and mobile telephones to a cynical Watson, before looking out the window onto Baker Street in the present day.


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